Lunch with Rudy, Rewinding to 9-11

On Wednesday of this week I had the opportunity to attend an event in which Rudy Giuliani was the guest speaker at lunch. After a very interesting political discussion, in which Giuliani highlighted issues related to our health care expenses and the coming presidency, he rewinded to the events of 9-11.  As a side note, Giuliani left the door open, maybe only a crack, but somewhat on entering the 2012 presidential elections.

As Mr. Giuliani discussed, and somewhat relived his twin tower experiences, I reaffirmed my commitment on not questioning the travel shake downs we endure today. With a long weekend ahead of us, and many most certainly to hit the skies, I thought it worth another mention, let’s all breathe deep, there is a reason for the slight inconveniences when we travel.

Have a Good Day!


PS Don’t worry, I didn’t skip our 5 good things this week, they are coming shortly !!!

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