Washington Came through … Finally … Camp Out Weekend

Agreement Reached

Not a minute too soon if the actual close time was October 17th, 2013 … politicians came through and agreed on the debt ceiling and a restart of the US Government.

February 7, 2014 is the new Watch Day

The compromise reached pushed out much of the decision-making until early February.  Depending on the US Economic situation, this may be a better Kick the Cansituation than prior push outs (recall we have done this several times before). With a strong economy (our probable thought) it should be an easy decision, and if weaker, a quick resolution might be in the cards as well.  By the way, just because we have a strong economy, does not mean a strong capital market next year … for another day.

BUT, THAT IS NOW NEXT year and today is a Friday, leading into a weekend. I find myself headed to an Adventure Guides campout this weekend, certain to bring floods to our destination. For me, camping out means no wifi or ESPN, unfortunately this is a REAL campout … cabin, no shower, open fired cooked food … the Sunday return clean up and sports viewing will be much-anticipated.

Have a Great Friday and a Super Weekend!

John Kvale

8222 Douglas Ave # 590
Dallas, TX 75225


  1. Let me add…camping out for ME is staying in a cheap motel with a black & white TV! Lol

    Sent from my iPhone


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