Why we like High Deductibles!

High Deductibles Discussion

As we worked on our PLUP – Personal Liability Umbrella Policy Newsletter and Blog Post, we repeatedly ran across reasons to discuss our fondness to the Higher Deductible options on almost everything.

This article has also spawned a related article, about Emergency funds – neat chain of events articles!

Consider the High Deductible Option – On Most Everything

Health Insurance, Auto Insurance and Homeowners are the main types of ongoing insurance that allows you more control in your cost via the deductible.

The Auto Insurance Examplecrash-test-1620591__480

One of the easiest examples is the good old automobile insurance. We like high deductibles of near one thousand dollars due to the tremendous longer term premium savings that will occur over time. We certainly acknowledge that changing your coverage deductible to a higher amount today and having an accident tomorrow is bad luck and will throw you into the hole, but over time, if you are not a repeat offender, your saved premiums will more than pay for the higher deductible.

Health Insurance Example

Let’s face it, the insurance industry wants us as consumers to take more control over our medical expenses. Rather than run, embrace this coming inevitable change, and review higher deductible health insurance plans. Similar to the Auto example, if you opt for a higher deductible plan and something happens in the very short term, you will be in the hole on this decision, however time is your friend.  Having your health coverage pay for that visit to the Dr. for a cold is nice, and may make you feel good after you leave the office, however if you dig deeper, it is likely you may be paying dearly for the “free” visit.

Homeowners Insurance Deductible

Yep, there is a higher deductible option for your homeowners policy as well. This option is usually in the form of a percent of the dwelling. Be careful when reviewing these options as our experience has shown premiums and out of pocket costs can vary greatly depending on the geographic area of your dwelling and a higher percentage deductible can get out of hand if you are not careful on a higher priced dwelling. Bottom line, the homeowners policy has more moving parts due to the differences in coverages, geographic area, dwelling itself and your claim history. Take extra time in adjusting this deductible, but once you get clear on all costs, obligations and options, it’s likely you will find savings in this as well.

Have a Great “High Deductible Savings” Day!

John A. Kvale CFA, CFP

Founder of J.K. Financial, Inc.
A Dallas Texas based fee only
Financial Planning Total Wealth
Management firm.

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