On Line Study/Work Tips For Those At Home … Interview of a Two Year Veteran

Study Work From Home Tips

We know many of you may be faced with children or young adults doing school work from home.  Long time followers know that the 15-year-old is in year two, working 100% online university … from home, airplane, coffee shop, or basically wherever.

As such, she granted this interview in part for her soon to be fully on-line schooled 12-year-old brother.img_6377

We made this semi-formal so that she would understand the seriousness of what we were trying to do, and also feel honored to be part of those of you who may be helped by her experiences over the last two years … I asked candidly and did not direct her…

Tips for Those Working From Home for School

What tips or suggestions have you learned over the last two years?

“It’s very easy to get behind make sure that you stay caught up …”

“On-line is more difficult for me than being in-school and listening to your teachers speak directly.”

“It’s a big adjustment socially as you will not be able to visit with your friends, and there is a void of social contact.”

“For me the school day is much shorter and I get more accomplished in a shorter period of time than I did at school, allowing for other activities such as Tennis.”

“I’ve learned to work anywhere, while I have my favorite places such as the formal dining room table, when necessary I can easily work in my room or most any other quiet place!”

“It’s very easy to get distracted with other devices or social media … stay away or you will get behind fast”

“Be prepared with good note taking skills and supplies and make sure that you keep up if you’re in a classroom lecture because you will not likely be able to ask a question.”

“Online foreign languages are very difficult to do!”

Thank you Sophia for the candid responses… I really was hoping she would say it got easier as she learned how to do it, but she was firm on her second point!

Here are a few from my perch…

Watch your posture, it is easy to get in a slump situation, especially with a laptop.

Take breaks and walk around, in an office environment, the water cooler does provide a break…not so much at the house.

I think clearer and am more creative when out of the office working … we will see if this has stamina..hah

Personally I like a bright place that I can see out and light shines in (some times even the back yard), the rest of the gang does not, as it cuts back on the Monitor light… each to their own!

A low volume wireless color printer has been invaluable … Ours was about $75 but the replacement cartridges are about the same as the printer cost…

Hope this helped!

Have a Good “At Home Tips” Day!

John A. Kvale CFA, CFP

Founder of J.K. Financial, Inc.
A Dallas Texas based fee only
Financial Planning Total Wealth
Management firm.


  1. I am sharing this information with our daughter in CO. Who is taking home schooling and working with the lord cal district and teachers ver seriously. Their two are very fortunate to have such a proactive Mom.

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