Holiday Party RSVP Reminder, Handy Tool for Cyber Monday (Today)

Just a short reminder that today is the RSVP day for our Holiday Party which is this coming Saturday, December 4th. We look forward to seeing everyone there for educational fun and dinosaur watching!

“Cyber Monday” is Today (Not sure where these nick names come from, but I will honor them..haha)

Cyber Monday is today, and nick named such as many retailers run specials today via their respective websites. If you are not a huge fan of the crowded malls and short on time, you might be interested in, a  website that compares prices across multiple companies and even let’s you set alerts for items you may have great interest. I tried it earlier today and found it helpful. This is not a recommendation, only a sharing of something I found interesting.

Have A Great Day and hope to see you Saturday !

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