All New 1099’s for Tax Year 2011 Are Posted Electronically, and Being Mailed Too

We know you have been waiting on the edge of your seats. So we are happy to announce, 1099’s for tax year 2011, have been posted electronically, and the paper versions are on their way to your mailbox.

Remember our recommendations for filing times, especially considering we would not be surprised to have multiple 1099 corrections this year, due to the new information.

Good News: 

After our various warnings concerning somebody’s watching us (Rockwell and Rockwell Part 2) our first review of the new 1099’s look fine.

While the form as expected, has more data on it, and will most likely be much longer than prior years, all seems good based on our initial reviews.

We may find a few hiccups as we continue to review, but at first glance, the new and improved, greater detailed 1099’s, seem closer to the mole hill, than the mountain we had concerns over.

Have a Great Day!



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